PUT IT ON THE TABLE: April 7 – Easter 2012 and a day in history!

It’s Easter Weekend and we’re presenting our new series. It’s called “Put It On The Table”.

Revelations and the truth about a topic, trend or just trivia. It’s April 7th, 2012, so why not starting with something that suggests itself?

Watch it below/after the jump…

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“Was ist los?” – Kirsten Dunst and Conan O’Brien about Germany

She’s the second actress/actor recently speaking about visiting Germany in a US Late Night TV Show. She even has a German passport. It’s Kirsten Dunst. Well-known for movies like Magnolia and Spider-Man.

She was a guest of Conan O’Briens tbs show and spoke about being on a road trip through Germany with her dad. What she saw there – and we’re not suprised by the way – later in this article.

First some information on her German vocabulary. We don’t use it that much over here, but “Scheißkopf” is a nice one. Of course, it’s a swearword and it (roughly translated) means Β “shithead”. She then said “grosses Arschloch” which means… Well you might know. Or you can google it at least.

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